Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day 7: Williams Lake to New Hazelton, BC

452 miles
7AM to 4:30 PM
C 1 Cariboo Hwy, C 16

Thank you, Lord:
Snow on mountain tops
Getting the afghan pattern right at last (I think)
Strawberries with tapioca pudding

We spent half the day driving up the Fraser River valley between long ranges of mountains, following the route of gold prospectors in the 1860s. Lots of historic sites and re-enactment experiences if we had had the time to enjoy them. This area around McLeesh Lake was typical.

Saw this critter ahead along the side of the road, but still no moose despite all the signs of Moose Crossing.

But by the time we turned west on route 16 at Prince George there were snowy peaks in sight in several directions. The further west we got, the more the mountains closed in. The Canadians are not real good at scenic overlooks along the highway. Maybe they are so used to the beauty that they aren't tempted to take their eyes off the road to ogle. Most of the rest stops consisted of a place to pull over with a trash bin (no recycling) and maybe a long drop (or occasional flush), all of it enclosed in trees with no view. So pictures had to await reaching our stopping point.

The Hazelton side of our family will appreciate where we stopped tonight,chosen in their honor. (See the blue highlighter and notice the mountains.) 

The motel caretaker directed us to a nice walk to a waterfall and a lookout. Great for stretching my legs.

Old Hazelton is a first nations community with a village museum we wished we had time for. but we were hungry and made our way back to the motel for microwaved Hormel Compleats and tapioca pudding and strawberries for supper.

The roads have been well paved, four lanes further south. Now they are mostly two-lane with frequent passing lanes on hills. There is a surprising amount of traffic, although it gets less and less the further north we go. The do tell you how far to the next passing lane to help you stay patient behind a slow truck or RV. RVs seem to be the way to travel up here. If they could just get the mileage up on those things ...

The fan in Mom's car hasn't worked on low for years. Now it doesn't work at all. Did something get disconnected when they fixed the gas pump leak? So far opening all the windows a crack has worked. At least it is nothing essential for safety or running.

Afghan update: Almost back to where I ripped out. At least now the pattern shows. Hopefully that will prevent needing to rip out (again).  the last couple pattern rows I have had to ... um ... "adjust" at the end of the row.

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