Tuesday, November 15, 2022


ICETE (International Counsel for Evangelical Theological Education) hosts an international conference every three years. I don't usually travel with Steve when he consults for schools or teaches modular courses for a week or two, but I do come to ICETE because it brings together people he works with from all over the world. It's my chance to put faces with names that I hear all the time. It is also a wonderful opportunity to experience a little bit of heaven on earth. This time on the Aegean Sea.

We are more than 500 participants--the most ever. Word is getting out that this is the network to be a part of if you are interested in global theological education. We represent more than 80 countries and 200 organizations and training institutions. Worship is led by a lovely young Zimbabwean woman.

Conversations over meals and long coffee breaks are perhaps the most important part of the event. The selection at the Turkish buffet is overwhelming.

This morning we heard from a delegation representing 22 evangelical theological schools in Ukraine. They are all functioning as refugee centers these days and looking for ways to prepare Christian workers for the events around them. They worry about their faculties (without jobs) and their students, scattered in ministries they never anticipated. Sadly the the Euro-Asian Accrediting Association, a member of ICETE, has dissolved in the Ukrainian frustration with Russian schools and churches' failure to speak out against those who have instigated this war.

Click here, if you want to support these schools as they demonstrate the love of God to their neighbors in this terrible situation. Pray that they would know God's power and not be discouraged as the challenge is overwhelming.

These events always takes place in lovely hotels in the off season. 

"Off season" means better rates, but it also means it's too cool to take advantage of the water facilities of the resort even of it is a lot warmer than home. I love water slides although I fear most of my fellow conference-goers would be too dignified to join me anyway.

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