Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Guatemala Day 7: an Unexpected Morning

Due to a protest march and blockade of the road back to Guatemala City, we ended up with an extra morning at Villa Maya. Here's how some of it went.

The birders went out anyway and after about half an hour the rain let up, so I followed, taking my umbrella as well as my phone/camera, and hoping I had enough mosquito dope on. I never found the birders, but it was a great time to stretch out those tight muscles from yesterday's exertion.

This is a pretty civilized trail for a walk in the jungle, but I was alone and didn't want to get lost. Guillermo gives us warnings like "This trail does not go all the way around the lake; you must turn around and come back." Then he reminds us that behind all advice there is a story. I didn't want to be his next story.

Near the hotel the yellow gravel trail twists back and forth. It reminded me of a park trying to fit a 1-mile jogging path into limited space, but I suspect it is to that birders can get a variety of views without leaving the path.

Nice views back toward the hotel.

On the way out I came to a clearing with some sort of foundation. I wondered what building had been abandoned. I returned on a road that passed closer and found it was not an abandoned foundation, but a helocopter pad. Nice to know we wouldn't have to do that long winding road in an emergency.

Time to pack the computer so the luggage can be loaded for departure after lunch. It will be a long day.

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