Sunday, October 6, 2024

Day 11: The other side of Branson

We slept late after our late night at Shepherd of the Hills. Steve had encouraged me to go hiking while he watched the Vikings play American football in London. Except it wasn't on any station we could get here. So he came along and listened on the car radio.

We went to Lakeside Forest Wilderness Area, a place that had been recommended by the locals sitting next to us last night. It turned out to be the place Erika and Simeon and I hiked when he dislocated his finger. We had never completed that trail, so that was my goal for the morning. It went down 300 steps to the river. 

I climbed back up a ways and took a contour trail to this waterfall, which had no water at this time of year.

It's probably quite lovely in spring.

There was a warning at the top of the steps here that the trail would end shortly and there was no way out except to return the way you had come. For that matter, there was a warning at the top of the trail that this was not a loop, and it would be necessary to retrace your steps--all 300+ steps. Not recommended for older or obese people, those with fear of heights, etc. When Erika and Simeon and I were here, it was later in the fall. I remember wearing wooly caps. Today it was in the 80s. I was glad for the ice in my CamelBak and my wet bandana around my neck. Also for the protruding rocks and occasional bench to rest on. Frequently.

When I got back to the car, I found that Steve had used halftime to hike around the top of the ridge with its old homestead ruins. A very pleasant walk that I remember from before. (Vikings won!)

Tomorrow we start north. Steve has found a scenic detour in the Scenic Highways and Byways book for us to take. :-)

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