Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Not-Glacier Day 2, Medora, ND to Shelby, MT

Wed. July 1, 2020

Steve and I backtracked to Painted Canyon while Mom ate breakfast and got ready. There is a rest stop there that was closed last time we were through due to a road problem, but there is a beautiful overlook.

However, the trail goes steeply down, which would mean a steep climb back up, and the “painted” part looked to be at the far end. Steve had wanted to return to Wind Canyon. There is a stone bench with a perfect view of the curve of the river. 

The birds were singing and the sun was shining and the blue sky was reflected in the water. 

I began, “I wish we’d brought…”

“Our breakfast,” Steve finished.

I had told myself I had taken plenty of picture before, but Steve reminded me that that was March with a dusting of snow. So this was completely different. (It was his own fault! He could have let me go on thinking I had plenty of pictures.)

We went back and got Mom who was up and dressed and drove the loop to the point where it is closed for a washout, turned around and drove back. We stopped at the visitor center for bathrooms (PortaPotties for the sake of distancing) and then headed for Shelby, MT.

Have I mentioned that Montana is a big state? You drive and drive and drive, through huge rolling fields. We had decided they must be commercial farms, but Steve asked at the hotel and found they are mostly religious communities like Mennonite, who farm cooperatively. WE had noticed one big house where we thought they must have a lot of kids, but evidently it was multiple families.

When we discovered it was going to be farther to Shelby than we had anticipated, we grabbed Subway to eat in the car instead of picnicking on the tuna ring salad I had brought, so that became supper in the empty breakfast room of the hotel.

Lots more driving across country between fields that remind you why Montana is called "Big Sky Country." Finished another hat.

This deer is a bit clunkier. I'm trying to learn how to do patterns that involve "stranding." Needs more practice.

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