Friday, February 21, 2025

Brazil Day 10: Arraial

 This morning I took my phone (that holds my Bible, prayer list, etc. along with my other ebooks) and walked to Praia dos Anjos before breakfast. We used to avoid the water there because a canal dumped raw sewage. The canal has now been blocked and the sewage only overflows into the sea in heavy rain. The old canal is now covered with this walk.

There are more fishing boats and pleasure boats than ever so Queila still avoids Praia dos Anjos because of the motor pollution, but it was a great place to sit on a bench and pray.
New high rises with hotels and apartments line the other side of the street. The snack kiosks that didn't used to be there were closed in the early morning.

Some efforts are being made to re-establish plants in the dunes.

After breakfast, Vicente dropped us off at Prainha, which was always our favorite beach for its deep turquoise water and strong surf and the view of the islands out to sea, although it was the longest walk, not counting the beaches reached by hiking over mountains.

Steve headed out to play in the waves. I soon joined him.

In case you are feeling overwhelmed by all these wonderful beaches, here is a map. We stay just about where Av. Da Liberdade turns into Av. Paulo Moreira (that acute angle in the middle of town.)

Yesterday I saw octopus on the menu at dinner. (In Brazil the larger meal is at noon.) In the end we ordered together, and I "settled" for shrimp in a sauce made with squash. Today I ordered grilled octopus in a sauce of passion fruit. Wow!

After a nice afternoon nap, we went into Cabo Frio for snacks at a shop on the river owned by a cousin of Queilas. It started with her selling brigadeiros (a traditional chocolate candy) from her garage. The business quickly took over the front of her living room as well, and now the whole house has been remodeled into a kind of coffee shop selling "salgadinhos"(savory snacks) and "doces" (sweets).

Afterwards we stopped on the beach to look across at the lights of Prainha in Arraial.

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