Saturday, September 10, 2022

Tahoe Rim

Steve had work to do, so I went off exploring on my own. Yesterday we passed a sign not far down the west side of the ridge we are staying on that said, "Kingsbury North Trailhead." So that is where I headed. I followed that road a long way to its end, past lots of houses that were no more fancy than our own at home, although they may cost a lot more due to the location. When I arrived about 9, I only saw one other car in the parking lot. (By the time I left, it was full and I had met several hikers along the way.) As I shouldered my pack with tea, ice water and lunch, a man came walking down the road and turned into the trailhead.

"Do you know the area?" I asked.

"Very well," he replied. So I asked for suggestions.

He recommended a loop to the right that would take me past Castle Rock. "Although if you go left, there is a very nice vista point not too far along." He warned me that the peregrine falcons were nesting at Castle Rock so I shouldn't go there, but I like a loop trail more than retracing my steps, so I went right while he went left.

It was beautiful even if the skies are still hazy with smoke.

When I got to the Castle Rock turn off, the sign said nesting season is done and it was OK to go there. I took the hiking trail. NOT this one.

The vista was awesome. although I think without the smoke I would have been able to see the lake from here.

I did some clambering around among the rocks, but nothing stupid. After all, I was hiking alone and didn't know how long it might be before someone came along to rescue me if I got in trouble.

I backtracked to the main trail and continued on around the loop. Given the altitude of 7500' to just over 7900', I frequently used Katies' technique of pausing "to admire the scenery." Believe me, there was plenty of scenery to admire. Despite the 90s and low 100s temps we have had most of this trip, here in the mountains it was cool and breezy.

I touched on the Tahoe Rim Trail before cutting back to the trailhead parking lot. It was only noon, and I had brought lunch, so I took off to the left for the vista the fellow had recommended. I found a nice spot to perch on some rocks and eat my apple, granola bar, carrots and hard boiled egg with a (hazy) view of the valley. About 10 minutes farther on, I found the place marked "Vista." I got a different perspective on Castle Rock from there.

This would be a great place to view the falcons when they are nesting.

It was 12:30 when I left the vista. I told myself 1 PM would be a good time to turn back. In fact, by that time, the trail was heading pretty much downhill. What goes down must come back up. At least, when the car is back at the parking lot. But before I retraced my steps, I found a place where I could prove there really is a lake out there!

By the time I got back to the trailhead, I had hiked 6 miles in 4 1/2 hours. (Lots of enjoying the scenery.) Tahoe Rim Trail goes all the way around the lake with lots of side trails like the ones I was on today. I told Steve I could come back every year and never get bored!

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